วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Paradise Valley La Halle. The Myth of Scandinavian York. Appeared in the 13th century Poetic Edda Legend has it that this place is a paradise of the Norse (or Viking) ruled by the god Odin, who had ordered the valve query (I am right or not). Collect soul of the brave warriors who die in this land. Training in preparation for Ragnarok, the war chest. The creatures come out to fight. The winners will be able to eat and drink freely in a large building called the Temple of the Warriors Temple of Valhalla has 540 gates with a pike rafters. Shield the roof. And a plate in front of the bench. There was also a goalkeeper wolf eagle will fly west and hover around. This can also enjoy drinks as there is no end. I went out to eat and had to drink water so I do not know that drinking wine is not diminished. By the time the war fighters and 800 people to march towards the door. (This is the land of comic adventures of Billy and Mandy).

